It is that time again. BLT is getting ready for the Bill and Peggy Hunt Playwrights Festival. It will take place in the spring of 2013. That sounds like a long way off, but not if you are a playwright.
Briefly, the Bill and Peggy Hunt Playwrights Festival is open to all playwrights in the State of Washington. Your play can be a one-act or full length. It must be a new work that has never been performed before. Readings are all right, as are workshops, but the work must not have produced before.
BLT will soon be posting the detailed rules and will be requesting scripts. Once the deadline to submit the scripts ends BLT will send the scripts onto its judges. The judges will read each script and score it. The scripts with the highest scores will be the winners. Then in 2013 the winning scripts will be produced.
So, time to hit the word processors! Get your scripts ready!