Congrats to the new Burien Council members

BLT congratulates the new members of the Burien City Council, those who were reelected and the new Mayor of Burien.  Newly elected is Councilperson Bob Edgar.  Moving from being appointed to being elected is Councilperson Gerald Robison, and reelected is Councilperson Lucy Krakowiak. They were all sworn in at last night’s City Council meeting (January 9, 2012).  At that same meeting, Councilperson Brian Bennett was elected Mayor of the City and Councilperson Rose Clark was reelected Deputy Mayor.

It is hoped that each of the elected and reelected members of the council and the new mayor continue to support, and to increase their support, for the arts in Burien.  Burien could be a haven for the arts which would expand Burien’s financial base and importance in the region.  What steps the City takes to reach that goal are now up to Council.