2013 is starting out with quite a bit of excitement here at BLT. Not only are the rehearsals for the all female “Jesus Christ Superstar” now well underway, BLT has added some new lighting equipment, may have found some replacement seats for the most worn of its seats, and BLT took a very thrilling meeting.
More about the equipment updates in future posts, but now about the meeting. BLT cannot talk about the details at this point as things change and the proposal is, like the new year, in its infancy, but any meeting that starts off with, “Give us a list of what a perfect theater for BLT would look like,” cannot be a bad meeting.
BLT and a number of other arts groups in Burien have been pushing for Burien to look to the arts as a leader in the City’s future growth. Check out Burien’s vision statement. This meeting is an outgrown of that push. This could well be the beginning of a new page in the BLT story and the Burien arts scene. (Of course nothing may come of it, but the pieces are there for something big.)
So what would a perfect theater look like? Leave a comment to add your input.