Woo-hoo be in parade, then party!
July 4 is a chance for you to help BLT, be theatrical and party. We need marchers to join us in costume (we’ll provide as needed) for Burien’s Independence Day Parade (it’s a huge parade–one of the oldest in Washington State). Plus we’d love to see you and find out what’s happening in your world.
This is the best event for getting our season flyers to people – MORE THAN 1,200 FLYERS and 17 pounds of penny candy distributed last year. But we MUST have at least 9 to 10 people–or it will not happen. Bring friends and family to help (or watch)–the more the merrier!
Rewards: (1) We get lots of cheers during the parade. (2) BLTers are a pretty fun (and sometimes raucous) bunch. (3) A real picnic (potluck) afterward with potato salad, watermelon. homemade ice cream and other Fourth of July fixings.
Please let us know whether you can join us Thursday, July 4. A few details:
* Parade starts at 3 p.m. in nearby downtown Burien and ends by about 5 p.m.
* Meet: 1 p.m. in theater parking lot to:
* borrow costume items from BLT’s costume room so we all look theatrical in the parade (or wear your own):
* decorate Maggie’s Car:
* Parking near staging area:
* police/court parking lot (S.W. 148th St. and 6th Ave. S.W.)
* Staples/Bartell’s shopping center parking (S.W. 148th St. and 4th Ave. S.W.)
Picnic afterward. Bring potluck picnic foods to share. Even Maggie will provide some Fourth of July dishes (yes, she can actually cook).
Hope to see you there!
Let us know you are going to be there: info@burienlittletheatre.org.