BAT has insurance. Not such a big deal. BAT always buys insurance. This year, however, BAT was able to find a local agent who could place theater insurance. That is a very good thing. BAT supports local business and the local economy every time it can. As summarized in a 2012 report:
From large urban cities to small rural towns, Arts & Economic Prosperity IV demonstrates that the arts are an industry—one that supports jobs, generates government revenue, and is a cornerstone of tourism. Business and elected leaders need not feel that a choice must be made between arts funding and economic prosperity. This study proves that they can choose both. Nationally as well as locally, the arts mean business!
Economic Impact of the Nonprofit Arts Industry
Total Economic Activity $135.2 Billion
Total Spending by Nonprofit Arts Organizations $61.1 Billion
Total Spending by Nonprofit Arts Audiences $74.1 Billion
Total Full-Time Equivalent Jobs Supported 4.1 Million
Total Government Revenue Generated $22.3 Billion
Federal Income Tax Revenue $9.6 Billion
State Government Revenue $6.7 Billion
Local Government Revenue $6.1 Billion
Total Household Income Generated $86.7 Billion
BAT will continue to look for more ways to spend money locally. It will also continue to supply better live theater to the greater Burien area – in fact to all of Western Washington. Quality regional theater helping the local economy thrive.
Your tickets or donations are just the beginning of your support of BAT and your community.