Why Volunteer?

BAT (used to be BLT) is beginning its 2013-14 season.  It will be fantastical.  It is a great time to volunteer.  But why volunteer?

Over the years I have thought a lot about that.  If it was all about the money, who would 8459720503_1e535e86b7volunteer?  No one.  So there must be more.

Volunteering at BAT you are part of something bigger than yourself.  You are part of something that helps your community both financially and culturally, but there is more.

Yes, when the lights go down it is about the actors and the script, but that is literally the culmination of the work of hundreds of people.  Some do a little, some do a lot, but no one person could get a show up on its feet.

Without volunteers and donors, BAT would die.  Because of BAT’s wonderful volunteers, who do what makes them feel better about themselves and helps all of those who come to see a performance at BAT, better live theater thrives at BAT.

But what about the money?  Why volunteer when you can get paid?  It is funny, say you

Cyndi and Sharon finish weathering the car. Feb. 9, 2013
Photo by Craig Orsinger for BLT.

spend 5 or 6 hours playing World of Warcraft or reading a book, do you expect to get paid?  Why not?  How is volunteering at something that makes you feel better about yourself and your community while helping others enjoy something as magical as live theater any different?  Is it not.

Many a thing in life is volunteer driven.  I recently heard a TED talk by the founder of Wikipedia.  It was founded on January 15, 2001.  It is world wide, and volunteer driven.  In a big or small organization volunteers make the good things in life go round.

So what can you do at BAT that will help make better live theater thrive?  In no particular order:

Sort and organize costumes

Paint (sets and the rooms BAT uses in the building)

Build – all sorts of things from props, costumes, sets, shelves, seats …. Well, you get the idea

Marketing (all types including, but not limited to writing, selling, layout, graphics, design, editing)

Web management and maintenance

Facebook and other social media management

Sound equipment maintenance and acquisition

Lighting equipment maintenance and acquisition

Adopt a dressing room

Sell ads

Write grants


Front of house

Theater seats maintenance and acquisition

Secure donations

Help with finding and securing a new theater, storage and build space

Data entry (all sorts)

Office work (all sorts)

Phone contact with donors

Thank you’s for donors

Volunteer coordinator

Volunteer thank you party coordinator

Event manager (for passing out flyers)

Event manager (for other events)

Opening night party manager

Bar tender (and bar manager)

BAT donation manager (supplying ticket to other non-profits)

Flickr site manager


Accounting lead or assistance

BAT calendar coordinator

Community outreach coordinator

Theater class instructor

Theater class coordinator

Audition coordinator

Audition staff help

Being on-book during tech week

Sound board operator

Light board operator

Email newsletter writer

Email newsletter editor

New patron development

Script reading

Concessions staffing


Picking up concessions

Concession development

Specialty drink development (a couple of interesting cocktails for every show)

New donor development

Postcard and poster distribution helper

Postcard and poster distribution manager

Display board manager

In house photographer

In house videographer

YouTube manager

YouTube content developer

Twitter manager

Tumblr manager

IT manager

Web master

Fundraising events coordinator

Program design

Program writing/editing

Answering office phone


Donor thank you party coordinator

Playwrights Festival coordinator

And 1000 and 1 more things.  If you can think of it there is a VERY good chance BAT needs your help with it.