As many of you may know, following the fire last week at BAT’s theater space, the rebuilding of the theater space is very much in doubt. Although there appears to be sufficient insurance money to make the repairs we have heard that there is a strong movement not to rebuild. Without a space BAT is very likely to die.
What can you do? Email the Burien City Council ( and ask them to please rebuild the theater space. The City of Burien, in particular Burien Parks Recreation and Cultural Services, is BAT’s landlord and the decision to rebuild is theirs.
5 PM Wednesday is the cut off to get into the packet for the next Burien City Council meeting. Please write if you can. Send your email to
If you read this after December 18, 2013, please still email the Burien City Council at as every voice in support will help.
Please be respectful and positive. Here are two emails that BAT was cc’ed on that might help guide your email to
Dear Council Members:
I encourage you to please consider rebuilding the theatre at the Community Center Annex and continuing support for Burien Actors’ Theatre. I know, in these times of economic difficulties, setting priorities for a city council can be a very challenging task, and it might seem as if arts are less important than other needed expenditures; however, the theatre provides many, many benefits to the city of Burien and surrounding areas that might not immediately be apparent.
I have appeared in several productions at BAT, in its previous incarnation of Burien Little Theatre. Every one of my performances was attended by multiple friends and family members, most of whom neither live nor work in Burien. Nearly every one of those people had the opportunity to see what marvelous small businesses exist in downtown Burien, and nearly all spent money, at the Mark Restaurant, the Tin Room, Bison Creek, and numerous other fine establishments. Because of this exposure, many also have made Burien a destination for other shopping and dining occasions. The theatre is an asset to the city, both culturally, and ultimately, economically.
Support for the arts benefits us all. Please don’t let BAT become homeless. The people who produce and appear in productions there work very hard to make every penny count, and to make real, meaningful work that encourages conversation and community.
In the last decade, more than five theatrical companies in the South King County area have ceased production. This has led to a dearth of entertainment opportunity for theatregoers, and is a sad gap for local directors, actors, playwrights, and production staff who have many fewer chances to refine their craft. The Puget Sound area has a thriving, vibrant theatrical community, but every theatre company that goes under makes that community less viable.
Geni Hawkins
Hello, I am writing you in regards to restoring the space used by Burien Actors Theatre in the Burien Annex. My name is Kelli Zielinski; I’m the president of Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater in Fall City.
As part of the theatre community, I know how vital theatre can be. It not only provides entertainment to so many people, but it encourages creativity from performers and staff, it gives people valuable experience, leadership skills, opportunities to push the boundaries of their own abilities. I see the joy and impact that theatre brings through my work with SFFT; theatre brings delight to people young and old. In fact, City of Burien brings a group of seniors to see Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater’s summer production every year.
BAT is very special in that they put on a remarkable array of different shows, with something for everyone. They push the envelope of theater: they’ve taken on everything from this year’s “Coney Island Christmas” to their amazing production of “Tommy” last year and their edgy performance of “Jesus Christ Superstar.” BAT delivers performances with heart, soul, and energy, and people come from all over the region to see shows there, people who not only see the show but eat out in the area and spend time in Burien. They not only put on great performances, but they are a part of the Burien community.
Not only that, but the Hi-Liners also use this performance space, teaching area youths about theatre and giving them experiences like no other.
Please support the rebuilding of the space in the Burien Annex. The community needs theatre like BAT delivers theatre!
Thank you for your consideration,
Kelli Zielinski
President, Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater