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These are pictures taken of parts of the In the Next Room, or the vibrator play set. GET TICKETS HERE. In one a IMG_0650table lamp is plugged into a sconce. In the other IMG_0651room a vibrator is plugged into a sconce. Why?

In the early days of  electrification, for example 1881, when In the Next Room, or the vibrator play is set, the drive to electrify was for lighting. It seems appliances were an after thought. There were sconces, for lights, but no wall sockets.

0ACAThis is a picture of the White House in about 1881. If you look closely you’ll notice that the table lamp is “plugged into” the chandelier. Yes, even the White House did not have wall sockets. Odd, when you think about it from 2016, where so much is plugged in. (Charging your phone right now?)

0ACJHere is a closeup of an appliance “plugged into” a sconce using the device advertised to the right.

0ACH A thought: if your sconce had only one light bulb, you might be able to plug in an appliance into where the light bulb would typically go, but you’d have to use the appliance in the dark. You’ll note that the adapter in this ad from 1882 solves that problem. It is an adapter that screws into a light socket and has a place for a light bulb and an appliance cord for say a table lamp, iron or vibrator. Necessity is the mother of invention.

One last picture.0AC1 Times have changed.