Beyond plays at BAT

BAT is a nonprofit (501(c)(3) entity) that means we do have not shareholders, but we do serve the community. BAT was recently asked, “Does BAT do more than just put on plays?”

As a BAT volunteer, this is an odd question because I see what BAT does, but it is worth answering.

Where to begin?

BAT has a script club. It is where people in the community read a script a month and talk about it. (Like a book club). LINK

BAT has a playwriting group, Seattle Playwrights Studio. BAT’s effort to help keep theater alive and well. LINK

BAT has a lending library, BALL. It is located in Phoenix Tea in Burien. LINK Right now there are about 300 scripts in BALL, but BAT will be adding about 700 more over the next few months. Look for the grand opening notice and party! (BALL had been located in a Burien bookstore, but that store recently closed.)

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March Script Club

On the ides of March, March 15, 2018, at 1:30 pm the BAT script club will meet at Merrill Gardens. Everyone is invited!

This month BAT’s script club will be discussing Hindle Wakes. This script from 1912, is an amazing contrast to BAT’s current production of Rapture, Blister, Burn. Review / Review  – TICKETS.

Both scripts, among other things, look at the role of women in society and female sexuality. While this is not the main theme in either play, it is there. What makes this month’s script club so interesting is the comparison of the views on those subjects about 100 years apart. (Hindle Wakes was published in 1912, and Rapture, Blister Burn was published in 2013.)

Come see Rapture Blister Burn TICKETS and then join BAT’s script club on March 15th to compare Rapture, Blister, Burn with Hindle Wakes. It will be great fun. It is amazing what 101 years can do.

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As BAT relabels the books in BALL

BAT has a lending library. It is located in Phoenix Tea on 152nd in Burien. Right now there are about 300 books and scripts in BALL, Burien Actors Lending Library. A small personal library has just been donated to BAT, so the number will rise as the books and scripts can be labeled and logged in.

So, why does BAT have a lending library?

The short answer is that when BAT looked for scripts to produce, there were none to be found in Burien. Sure, a bookstore or two had some Shakespeare, but nothing more recent. But there is much more to the answer to that question.

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