Monthly Archives: November 2011

Tech Rehearsals

Tech Rehearsals

Yesterday and today are the days we will be doing tech rehearsals for the upcoming production of Inspecting Carol.

Since we share the theatre with another theatre company, and other activities occasionally go on here, sometimes the only time we get to use the software and hardware that runs sound and lights is when we’re in rehearsal. This was the case this week, as I got my first try at programming the sound computer to play the music and sound effects for the show.

Cast of Inspecting Carol rehearses a scene as I read a manual - Nov. 20, 2011
Cast of Inspecting Carol rehearses a scene as I a read manual on the theatre's audio software - Nov. 20, 2011

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Tech Run Through For Inspecting Carol

Tech Run Through For Inspecting Carol

Today we are doing a technical run-through for Inspecting Carol. What happens during a tech run-through is that the crew and cast get to rehearse many of the cues with audio and lighting as it will be in the play. The object is to do a first pass at working with the lights, sound, props, and costumes together, to see where problems might have to be addressed. The difference between a run-through and a full tech rehearsal is that in the former, only the lines that are cues for technical effects or affect the design and technical aspects of the show somehow are performed. In a tech rehearsal, the actors perform the entire play.

Director Maggie Larrick discusses stage directions with actor Adam Hegg (Kevin Emery), November 19, 2011
Inspecting Carol Director Maggie Larrick discusses stage directions with actor Adam Hegg (Kevin Emery), November 19, 2011

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