Why give to BLT?

If you are on BLT’s mailing list, you should have received BLT’s annual letter asking for your donation, providing you with a season flyer and an invitation to BLT’s fundraiser: 9-10-11. The Fire Marshal is requiring BLT to replace all of its curtains to the tune of $6,500, and BLT can get new lighting equipment it wants if it can match a $2,000 grant. Overall BLT needs $8,500 to move forward with new equipment.

Why give to BLT?

Of course, BLT needs your support to continue to provide better live theater. Theater is expensive. BLT’s rent has gone up, the cost of everything BLT uses has gone up. And there are the curtains and a chance to improve BLT’s lighting equipment. BLT can either depend upon the kindness of its friends or raise its ticket prices. The latter is not something BLT wants to do.

But there is more to it than that. When you give you become part of BLT’s family. You are invested in the better live theater BLT produces. When you give, you do more for yourself than for BLT. It doesn’t matter if you give $5 or $10,000, if you give enough so you know you made a donation, whatever your circumstance, you have made a statement that there is more to your life than just you. Your donation, whatever the amount, connects you to the actors, staff and trustees of BLT. You have an ownership interest in BLT. You help your community in a way that no one but you can do: Through your active participation in theater.

My grandfather used to say, “If you only have a dime, but need a quarter. Give the dime away and everything will work out.” Maybe not the best investment strategy, but true in so many ways. First, surprisingly, things often did work out. Second, even if I didn’t get what I wanted I felt so good connecting to something outside of myself that it was often the case I discovered I did not really need the quarter after all.

BLT does not want your last dime. No, we are asking for the support you can give. If you are at a point in life where $5 is enough to let you know you did what you can to help, then that is what we are asking for. If, on the other hand, it would take $10,000 for you to feel you did what you can to help, then that is what we are asking for. BLT wants you to feel like you are part of our family, helping out both BLT and your community.

To make your donation you can mail a check to BLT at P.O. Box 48121, Burien, WA 98148, or by using the online “donation” button that you find on the upper right side of this page and on many other pages on the BLT website.

If you did not get a letter from BLT, please get on our mailing list. You can start by making a donation, we’ll get the information we need from that, or by adding your email address to the space on the upper right of this page. Either way, thank you for being part of the BLT family.

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